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  Styrélius instrument builder
Styrélius electric violin
Drums for early music

   Contact:  Sten Styrélius
      Stockholm,  Sweden
phone: +46 (0)70  32 708 23

                  Mail: sten(X)styrelius.se
          Written to avoid spam -  Please replace (X) with @
Electric violin and early music.
Why this unusual combination?

The big side drum in
Swedish museum of performimg arts
 in Stockholm 


  Listen and look at the review made by
  the Electric Violin Shop in NC, USA.

 Electric Violin Shop has done a quick
  comparative test of 26 electric violins                Elvari starts at 4:50 

 Electric Violin Concerto,
 composed for 
Elvari by
 Tormod Tvete Vik



